vestibulo-ocular reflex

  • 网络前庭眼反射;前庭-动眼反射;参与前庭眼球反射;前庭动眼反射
vestibulo-ocular reflexvestibulo-ocular reflex
  1. The application of sinusoidal harmonic acceleration test in detecting the phase , gain and symmetry of vestibulo-ocular reflex and in clinical diagnosis


  2. Experimental study of electroacupuncture improving the obstruction of vestibular microcirculation in vertebrobasilar insufficiency and the effect on vestibulo-ocular reflex


  3. Responsive characteristics of vestibulo-ocular reflex , vestibulo-spinal reflex and postural equilibrium of cats under linear acceleration , before and after plugged semicircular canal operation were studied .


  4. After unilateral canal plugged vestibulo-ocular reflex showed a significantly asymmetry and changes of H wave were not related with linear acceleration . It was that asymmetry of canal function impacted significantly on symmetric functions of otoliths .
